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This page features my positions on issues relevant to your community. Please feel free to get in touch to continue the conversation!

- Jesse 

Letter to the Editor: 9/23/2023

Letter to the Editor: Record Journal, published 9/23/2023

Reaching out

Editor: I have spent the last four months reaching out to Wallingford voters at their front doors, and the overwhelming message is that people are eager for change but cautious about the costs. I hear and share those concerns, and that is why I am running for Town Council.

As someone whose children attended Wallingford public schools, I understand Wallingford's tremendous strengths as well as the areas that deserve greater attention. Our greatest concerns are our town’s infrastructure, and that includes the condition of our schools. I commit as town councilor to addressing these needs in a way that satisfies the concerns of the community while setting the town up for a prosperous future.

I have proven my commitment to Wallingford by giving my time to the public library, Youth Soccer, and the Boy Scouts. I will advocate for programs that improve the lives of our children and work with town departments and officials to make sure the tools are there to maintain and improve

the spaces in which these programs are offered.

My education in statistics and research methods and my professional experience in biomedical research afford me an understanding of population shifts and epidemiological data— expertise that will serve Wallingford residents well when we encounter challenges and make plans for the future. I commit to making decisions that are data driven and transparent— I will take the time to explain my decisions and provide the information used in making those decisions.

I come with a well-deserved reputation for remaining calm, reasonable, and thoughtful even in the most contentious circumstances. As town councilor, I will serve the people of Wallingford and address the interests and needs of all residents. Please visit to contact me or to learn more about my campaign.

Jesse Reynolds, Wallingford

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Letter to the Editor 8.17.23

Poised for the future (Credit: Record Journal 8.17.23 Edition)

Editor: I would like to thank the Wallingford Democratic Town Committee for their endorsement to run for Town Council this November.

I am excited for what the future holds and am eager to serve the people of Wallingford. My professional experience in research includes collaborating with people from various backgrounds, with diverse skills, to effectively accomplish the overall goals of studies. I view collaboration as essential to getting things done across all disciplines. When elected, I will bring this unique skill set to a panel of nine individuals, each with the goal of moving our town forward and keeping us poised for the future.

To keep Wallingford moving, we will need to invest and we can carefully continue ahead without burdening those with fixed incomes. For example, more can be done to expand tax credits for people with limited means. We can also place increased effort in seeking grant funds used to invest in and update our technological infrastructure. We have needs, but there are many possible ideas and I know that we can find amongst those ideas ones that are best for all of Wallingford.

The challenges we face can only be met through smart and creative solutions, and I view this as a welcome challenge. Whether it be investing in our schools or updating the business practices of town departments and public utilities, these are all scenarios that present the possibility of doing some innovative and wonderful things for our town. As a town councilor, I will do what I do best and that is to work to bring folks together from differing backgrounds with various skill sets to frame the answers to our current and future needs with a plan to accomplish our overall goals.

Please visit my campaign website: Feel free to contact me at:

Jesse S Reynolds, Wallingford

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Choateā€™s tax-exempt status prompts political debate - Record Journal

At the July 11 Town Council meeting, an agenda item led to the discussion of Choate's tax-exempt status and how it pertains to its relationship with Wallingford. I was quoted in the Record Journal article published on July 13 and include the full article here. Read More

Letter to the Editor: October 27, 2022


Editor: As November 7th approaches, I want to thank you all for allowing me to chat with you at your doors, place my signs and banners on your lawns, and show up in your social media. A lot is on the line this November, and you have my pledge to do what’s best for the town and to listen to the concerns of each and every member of our community.

Whether your concern is about our infrastructure, schools, taxes, Community Pool, or the Electric Division, I will use my voice to help my fellow town councilors achieve the results you’re looking for.

There is so much to appreciate about Wallingford while acknowledging that there is also a lot of work to be done to move our town forward. I pledge to be a part of the process that assesses our needs and prioritizes the solutions in a manner that is responsible and responsive.

My professional background, experience working in the community, and reputation as an open-minded and measured voice will make me an asset to the Town Council.

I have a keen eye for detail and will be sure to keep in mind all of what I have heard this year from you. I have appreciated the feedback, questions, and healthy discussions that have been had in a true marketplace of ideas, where all opinions are welcome and equally important.

I look forward to working for all of Wallingford. “People over Politics” is more than a slogan. It is my promise to the voters of Wallingford. To learn more about me and my campaign, please visit: . I hope to have your support on November 7th and please vote Row A.

Jesse Reynolds, Wallingford

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Paid for by:
Jesse Reynolds for Town Council,
Kristi Doerr, Treasurer

Approved by:
Jesse Reynolds
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